How-to: Convert (peg-out) RBTC to BTC on RSK within the Bitcoin Mainnet
The following procedure describes the steps to convert your RSK RBTC to Mainnet BTC using your wallet and a smart-contract interaction. You can also use the Sovryn FastBTC Relay, which is much faster but has a limit on the amount of RBTC you can bridge out as well as a fee. Alternatively, you can convert your RBTC to XUSD, ETHs, or BNBs and move it out of the platform using the Sovryn bridge.
When you convert RBTC to BTC using the RSK bridge utility, the RSK contract sends your RBTC to a corresponding BTC mainnet address. Each RSK private key has a corresponding BTC Mainnet private key equivalent, which can be obtained from your RSK private key using the RSK utility mentioned below.
After your RBTC is pegged out of the RSK network, the BTC equivalent will be deposited on the Bitcoin Mainnet at the address associated with your RSK private key. Once you have obtained the private key on the Bitcoin Mainnet from your RSK private key, you can access your BTC after the peg-out.
The following procedure uses MetaMask as a visual example.
You can also watch a video explainer Convert RBTC to BTC using the RSK Powpeg provided by RSK.
The corresponding Bitcoin Mainnet private key is displayed.
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